Toylander 90 Paint Kit

SKU: 0990

£124.32Excl. VAT

£149.18Inc. VAT

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Toylander 90 Paint Kit. We have created a full kit that provides all the necessary materials required to give your Toylander the perfect paint finish. Choose from the standard colour range provided or how about taking the option to choose any colour of our premium quality coach enamel paint.

Paintman Paint is a traditional premium synthetic coach enamel.  It is ideal for brushing, rollering or by spray application. Hand mixed to the finest quality, perfect for you Toylander 90.

Here at Paintman Paint, we take pride in only producing the highest quality, hand mixed paint that will give you the ultimate high gloss finish, superb coverage with high build and scratch filling properties. In addition to this it gives excellent water resistance, flexibility, toughness and exterior durability. Our traditional formula gives you an extra-long wet edge time minimising any brush drag.

Toylander TL3 Paint Kit includes:


