Paint Stripper – Strip Away Pro (professional users only).
Please note that all purchasers of Strip Away Pro will need to sign a one off acknowledgement/disclaimer sheet acknowledging the receipt of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and a statement explaining the Health and Safety requirements for the use of this product. Even if purchased it will not be despatched until the acknowledgement sheet has been returned. This instruction is a requirement of REACH article 59 and sadly cannot be varied. “Organisations or persons who can confirm they are using the product in accordance with the controls required to provide effective engineering & personal protective measures to ensure operators will not be exposed to airborne concentrations of methylene chloride in excess of the workplace exposure limit”.
To ensure compliance with the above directive, this product can now only be supplied on the strict understanding that it will be used to remove surface coatings within the confines of a suitably equipped fixed industrial installation, i.e. a facility where there are effective engineering & personal protective controls to ensure that operators will not be exposed to airborne concentrations of methylene chloride which are in excess of the workplace exposure limit for this compound.
OR, if you are a professional user you must complete a DCM competency training scheme to provide a certification. Your certificate number, surname and testing house must be provided so we can dispatch.
*Please Note we cannot ship Strip Away Pro to Northern Ireland*
Paint Stripper – Strip Away Pro is a Heavy Duty paint stripper for professional users only. Strip Away Pro is a highly effective dichloromethane based paint stripper preferred by restoration craftsmen and professional users for its’ fast action and broad range of effectiveness on most coating types including industrial and two pack paints. This makes it the preferred choice where other types of stripper may be too slow or ineffective. It is instantly effective on most types of coating and blisters and lifts paint and graffiti within minutes of application. Strip Away Pro does what is says on the can! It is supplied in a 5 Litre Can.
Strip Away Pro – Advantages of use
Fast Acting penetration that blisters and lifts paints within 15 minutes. Effective through multiple coating layers. Excellent cling and adhesion to vertical surfaces. Non-abrasive. Non-Corrosive and Non-Flammable. 5 Litres will strip up to 10 Square metres of coating. Will not tarnish Aluminium. Leaves virtually no trace surface residues.
Paint Stripper – Strip Away Pro (professional users only). Important information
- Strip Away Pro is Restricted to industrial use and to professionals approved in certain EU Member States, This is a professional craftsman’s fast and effective paint and varnish remover. It lifts multiple layers within minutes of application.
- Strip Away Pro should only be used in well ventilated areas with all doors and windows open, work should be carried out outdoors if possible. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing, including eye and face protection.
- After concluding the stripping, clean the area down with soapy water on metal areas or white spirit on wooden surfaces to avoid lifting the grain. Remove all paint and varnish scrapings and soiled waste into an open container, leave outside until all the residual vapours have evaporated and dried before disposing as land fill waste.
- Strip Away Pro Paint Stripper – Heavy Duty is only supplied in 5 litre containers.